Board of Directors

Nina Udnes Tronstad - Chair

Nina Udnes Tronstad is a Senior executive with over thirty years of experience from both operational and strategic positions within the Oil and Gas sectors. She has held positions in Kværner, Aker Solutions and Statoil (Equinor).

Ms. Tronstad has executive management experience, both from oil company and contractors. This includes capital projects, reservoir and HPHT drilling, BD, oil trading and supply, refining, HSSE including sustainability, and IT.

She has international experience from working in four countries as well as various Board assignments in listed companies, foundations and public enterprises over the past fifteen years.

Roar Tessem - Board member

Roar Tessem has more than forty years of experience within the E&P industry, having held positions with Elf, Shell, DNO, Deminex, PGS and Det norske oljeselskap.

In 2008, he founded Spring Energy, backed by the private equity firm HitecVision. The Company took part in several major discoveries on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and was subsequently acquired by Tullow in 2012. He was the CEO of Tullow Norway until the end of 2014.

In 2015 he founded Pure E&P and was the CEO of both Pure E&P and Point Resources that later became Vår Energi.

Marit Kirkhusmo - Board Member

Ms. Kirkhusmo is a lawyer, partner and board member at SANDS Advokatfirma DA. She has more than twenty years of experience from major law firms in Oslo and London, in addition to management positions in the international shipping industry.

Ms. Kirkhusmo also has extensive board experience from private and public companies, hereunder from the Board of Directors of GIEK – the Norwegian Export Credit Agency.

Tom Olav Holberg - Board Member

Tom Olav Holberg is an Investment Director at Kistefos AS, the private investment company of Mr. Christen Sveaas. Kistefos manages a diversified portfolio of companies within a variety of industries including offshore, shipping, financial services, technology and real estate. Mr. Holberg has been employed at Kistefos since 2010 and worked within a number of different industries, such as shipping & offshore and technology & telecom and served as Board member in several of Kistefos’ Portfolio companies.

Prior to joining Kistefos, Mr. Holberg worked as an equity analyst at Arctic Securities.

Mr. Holberg holds a MSc in Business and Economics from the Norwegian School of Management.

Morten Haugen- Board Member

Morten Haugen is a senior executive with more than thirty years of experience from the financial sector.  Mr. Haugen has mainly worked within the Real Estate branch.

Mr. Haugen is today consulting leading real estate companies in the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish market.  For the last 10 years he has been part of transactions for +10 BNOK.

In 2011 Mr. Haugen completed the Norwegian Finance Industry`s Authorisation Scheme (FinAut).  In 2023 he completed the Board Company`s certificate for board leaders.